Thursday, October 2, 2008

I Wish That I Could See You Soon

Wow, I have been keeping this blog up a lot more than I ever imagined I would...and I bet people aren't even reading it. But that doesn't even matter, because this is like free therapy for me. As you can tell I usually tie in the title right away, but I have yet to do so. Well, that's because in all honesty the title has nothing to do with the entry, because the entry isn't actually about anything. Let me explain the title though.

I was listening to the song of the same title by Herman Dune. He's this awesome musician who looks a lot like Santino Rice. A good friend of mine introduced me to him by sending me this video.

He told me that I would love the video, and I must say he was very right. Isn't it great?

So now to a completely different topic. As I was writing this and listening to my iTunes Lynyrd Skynyrd's "Tuesday's Gone" came on. It made me think of that last scene in Dazed & Confused where everybody's left the party and people are saying goodbye. Which lead me to think about soundtracks. Richard Linklater's soundtrack for this movie is top choice, but I must say no one can top my personal favorite, Cameron Crowe. He knows how to put a song to a scene like no other. In my opinion, the most perfect placement of a song into a movie is on the bus in Almost Famous right after the band has had one of their many falling outs and they've finally found Russell Hammond who is recovering from a long night of beer and acid. The tension in the air is unbelievable while "Tiny Dancer" by Elton John plays. A little while after the song has begun, their bassist, Larry begins to sing along eventually prompting the entire bus to join in on the song and thus getting rid of the tense atmosphere for at least a short while. Perfect.

I don't have a script or anything, but I would love to put together a soundtrack for something. Actually, you know what, I think I might just do that. But that'll be for next time. This pretty much works by me hitting next and letting the shuffle on my iTunes take care of it. I'll call it:

Untitled [the original name for Almost Famous by the way. and i don't mean it was the working title.]

No song today...sorry :(

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