Sunday, July 13, 2008

What's the Point...If You're Not Having Fun?

So I've come to a realization finally.

Is anything really worth doing if you don't have a good time doing it? I think not. There are definitely some things in life I'd go back and just ignore doing because I was miserable doing them. Some were shows, some were going to dances, some were hanging out one place when I really wanted to be another. Honestly, shouldn't we all be having the "time of our lives" at this age? I'm one that's lucky enough to be going into a field that I find fun almost always, and hopefully I'll be successful there. But my point is, forget about feeling like you have to do something or be somewhere. Unless you are actually required to do it, don't. Have a good time and live life.

Oh, and if you are required to then find a way to make it fun. It goes by easier that way. Like I wrote a little bit ago. That temp job is like work hell for me. But I listen to my iPod, and go into the filing room while nobody else is there (I am doing work) but I sing and dance around. It makes things so much easier.

Really though, life is too short and you never know when you might get a curveball thrown at you so enjoy it while you can. As Bert V. Royal wrote in possibly my favorite play of all time, Dog Sees God: Confessions of a Teenage Blockhead, "Don't concern yourself with death. Immerse yourself in life. Enjoy every moment that you're allowed to but keep asking questions. My dear friend. Don't ever stop asking questions."

Have fun and remember, immerse yourself in life and don't ever stop asking questions.

The song for today is a song that the first time I heard I hated. I thought "Is she trying to be Amy Winehouse/Lily Allen/etc.?" But the more I heard it the more I loved it. It really is a good song and I happen to think that the rest of her album is awesome too so go give it a listen as well.

Mercy - Duffy

1 comment:

-K- said...

You are the wise child!

And it's totally funny that my dad actually exposed me that song, because he wanted me to download it and send it to him. It makes me want to dance.

It's so weird not to see you tonight!