Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Is Anyone Up There?

I've never considered myself a religious person, but I have always believed that there is someone up there watching over all existence....

Except on days like today. This is only the second time I've ever doubted the idea of a God. I just *and I literally mean just* found out that a friend of mine who I have known for about seven years now is in the ER at Hershey Medical Center with a broken neck...and he might be paralyzed from the neck down. It infuriates me to hear these kind of things. This friend? He is, honest to God, the nicest person I have ever encountered in my entire life. He always looks at the positive side of every situation and he gets so excited by little things: like Mondo Juice for example. He loves those things. But what gets me so angry is that these things seem to only happen to the good people. The worst people in the world seem to get the chance to live long and happy, healthy lives. The good people though? It's like this "God" is saying "Screw you, only the strong survive on my planet." If there really is a God, why does (he/she, pick your pronoun) let things like this happen? Aren't they supposed to be protecting their "children"?

I'm going to stop with the belief rant, but I have a favor to ask of everyone who reads this. Please, keep him in your thoughts. Wish upon a star for him, think about him in your 'moment of silence', pray for him, I don't care. Just please, have hope.

This one's for him...

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