Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Oh My God It's Sandra Bernhard


Since when does Sandra Bernhard have any status as a fashion icon? Don't get me wrong, I loves me some Project Runway and Sandra Bernhard, but together?

I think not

Project Runway is probably my favorite show that's been on in a looooooong time. But they don't ever pick good celebs for challenges. Natalie Portman? She's adorable, not a fashion icon. Victoria Beckham, Parker Posey, Debra Messing? Love them all, not fashion icons. Now Sarah Jessica Parker? There is a fashion icon. Glad to know they've made one good decision.

Usually after the first episode I have my favorites and I stick to them, as a loyal fan should

Season 1: Austin Scarlett and Jay McCarroll
Season 2: Santino Rice, Daniel Vosovic, and Andre Gonzalo
Season 3: Kayne Gillaspie, Bradley Baumkirchner(he may not know who Cher is, but I love him), and Laura Bennett
Season 4: Jack Mackenroth, Kevin Christiana, and Jillian Lewis
Season 5: ---

Notice anything different? That's right, I can't choose a favorite. Not in the least. At first I was like, "I love Kenley and Wesley" then Wesley left, but that's not what I was going for. Tonight, I grew an appreciation for Daniel. And lastly, in Wesley's final episode I realized that I also had a newfound respect/love for Blayne. First episode I hated him and I hated the tan. His skin is like leather people. Anyways, I do love most of his designs, but I cannot express how much I love him for his hatred for Stella. SHE NEEDS TO GO! He seems to be the only one who understands that. Oh, and I love Suede too but he needs to stop with the third person. Now I really need to narrow it down, my favorites are almost half the cast. No matter what my decision, I am a firm believer that no season will ever be as good as season 2.

And guess what?


Blow You Kisses - Santino Rice
Santino Rice FTW guys! Nobody can beat Santino. Deal with it.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

What's the Point...If You're Not Having Fun?

So I've come to a realization finally.

Is anything really worth doing if you don't have a good time doing it? I think not. There are definitely some things in life I'd go back and just ignore doing because I was miserable doing them. Some were shows, some were going to dances, some were hanging out one place when I really wanted to be another. Honestly, shouldn't we all be having the "time of our lives" at this age? I'm one that's lucky enough to be going into a field that I find fun almost always, and hopefully I'll be successful there. But my point is, forget about feeling like you have to do something or be somewhere. Unless you are actually required to do it, don't. Have a good time and live life.

Oh, and if you are required to then find a way to make it fun. It goes by easier that way. Like I wrote a little bit ago. That temp job is like work hell for me. But I listen to my iPod, and go into the filing room while nobody else is there (I am doing work) but I sing and dance around. It makes things so much easier.

Really though, life is too short and you never know when you might get a curveball thrown at you so enjoy it while you can. As Bert V. Royal wrote in possibly my favorite play of all time, Dog Sees God: Confessions of a Teenage Blockhead, "Don't concern yourself with death. Immerse yourself in life. Enjoy every moment that you're allowed to but keep asking questions. My dear friend. Don't ever stop asking questions."

Have fun and remember, immerse yourself in life and don't ever stop asking questions.

The song for today is a song that the first time I heard I hated. I thought "Is she trying to be Amy Winehouse/Lily Allen/etc.?" But the more I heard it the more I loved it. It really is a good song and I happen to think that the rest of her album is awesome too so go give it a listen as well.

Mercy - Duffy

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Is Anyone Up There?

I've never considered myself a religious person, but I have always believed that there is someone up there watching over all existence....

Except on days like today. This is only the second time I've ever doubted the idea of a God. I just *and I literally mean just* found out that a friend of mine who I have known for about seven years now is in the ER at Hershey Medical Center with a broken neck...and he might be paralyzed from the neck down. It infuriates me to hear these kind of things. This friend? He is, honest to God, the nicest person I have ever encountered in my entire life. He always looks at the positive side of every situation and he gets so excited by little things: like Mondo Juice for example. He loves those things. But what gets me so angry is that these things seem to only happen to the good people. The worst people in the world seem to get the chance to live long and happy, healthy lives. The good people though? It's like this "God" is saying "Screw you, only the strong survive on my planet." If there really is a God, why does (he/she, pick your pronoun) let things like this happen? Aren't they supposed to be protecting their "children"?

I'm going to stop with the belief rant, but I have a favor to ask of everyone who reads this. Please, keep him in your thoughts. Wish upon a star for him, think about him in your 'moment of silence', pray for him, I don't care. Just please, have hope.

This one's for him...